At Arami Law, Inc., we are dedicated to representing parents in many different types of legal matters involving child custody, which is now known under Illinois law as the allocation of parental responsibilities. We consistently serve clients in the following areas concerning child custody:
Do you have questions? A Hyde Park child custody attorney at our firm can begin working on your case today.
The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA) controls legal issues related to child custody in Hyde Park. Under Illinois law, child custody cases are now described in terms of the allocation of parental responsibilities. Rather than awarding one or both parents legal and physical custody of a child, courts will allocate parental responsibilities to Hyde Park parents.
Parental responsibilities include significant decision-making responsibilities (which we used to call legal custody), as well as parenting time (which we used to call physical custody and visitation). Parental responsibilities are allocated in one of two ways:
If you are able to reach an agreement about how you will share parental responsibilities with your ex, Illinois law permits parents to develop a parenting plan in which they allocate parental responsibilities themselves. As long as the parents put the best interests of the child first, the court can agree to the parenting plan. Many parents prefer to develop a parenting plan since it gives them more control over the process.
When parents cannot reach an agreement, the court will decide what kind of arrangement is in the best interests of the child and will allocate parental responsibilities through an allocation judgment.
Under the IMDMA, either parent may be able to modify the existing parenting plan or allocation judgment if there has been a significant change in circumstances. Examples can include a new job, a loss of a job, a planned move outside of Chicago, or a planned move to another state altogether.
In many cases, one of the parents seeks a modification due to a relocation. Whether you need assistance with a modification due to a planned relocation or a change in job hours, an experienced child custody attorney in Hyde Park can help.
When you need assistance with a child custody case, it is essential to have a dedicated advocate on your side. Child custody matters can be extremely contentious, and you will need experienced counsel to advocate for your parental rights. Whether you need help creating a parenting plan and allocating parental responsibilities with your ex or need assistance defending child custody, an experienced Hyde Park child custody lawyer at our firm can talk with you today. Contact Arami Law, Inc. to learn more.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.