Illinois child custody cases arise whenever parents with minor children go through a divorce, parents separate, or questions concerning paternity and parental rights and responsibilities come up. Child custody cases can also involve relocation plans and modifications to existing custody arrangements. No matter what type of child custody issue you are facing, it is important to seek advice from our experienced Hinsdale child custody attorneys. At Arami Law, Inc., we can speak with you today about your circumstances and can provide you with more information about child custody in Illinois.
The Hinsdale lawyers at Arami Law, Inc. handle many different kinds of issues in child custody cases, such as:
Under the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act (IMDMA), Illinois courts now refer to the “allocation of parental responsibilities” instead of awarding child custody. While the substance of parental responsibilities is similar to legal and physical custody, the changes made to the law reflect the various family circumstances that Illinois parents and children experience, and the need to be flexible in order to ensure strong parent-child relationships where possible. The term “parental responsibilities” include both significant decision-making responsibilities (similar to legal custody) and parenting time (similar to physical custody and visitation).
There are two different ways in which an Illinois court can allocate parental responsibilities:
The best interests of the child should always come first when determining how parental responsibilities should be allocated in Illinois.
The allocation of significant decision-making responsibilities usually includes determining how parents will share in making decisions about the following important issues concerning their child’s well-being and upbringing:
When courts allocate parenting time, the parents are responsible for caretaking functions for the child.
If you have questions about child custody in Illinois, or if you need help with your child custody case, do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our experienced Hinsdale child custody attorneys. Our firm has years of experience in the larger Chicago area, and we can begin working with you today on your case. Contact Arami Law, Inc. to learn more.
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