When a couple with children decides to seek a divorce, they will need to address legal and physical custody issues. Now known as parental responsibilities and parenting time, these issues are integral to any divorce involving minor children. When parents can’t agree on a plan for their children, the court will apply Illinois family laws to help establish a plan for parental responsibilities and parenting time that is in the best interest of the couple’s children. If you are a divorcing parent, it’s in your best interest to secure representation from experienced Burr Ridge child custody lawyers. They can help you understand how the law applies in your situation and explain your potential options.
In divorce proceedings, two types of custody must be dealt with; legal or parental responsibilities and physical or parenting time. Parental responsibilities are the right and obligation to make important decisions about the child’s upbringing. It may include decisions regarding their:
One parent can be given parental responsibilities, or both parents can share with one parent being the primary decision-maker.
Parenting time refers to whom the child will live with and their visitation with the other parent. Sometimes it’s best for the child to live with one parent and stay with the other parent on a regular basis. In some circumstances, the court will allow the child to divide their time equally living with both parents. In either situation, plans for parenting time should include which parent the child will be with during summer vacation, holidays, birthdays, and other important dates. With knowledgeable Burr Ridge child custody attorneys on your side, you can be sure that your parenting plan includes everything it needs to.
Ideally, you and your child’s other parent can work out an agreement for parenting time and parental responsibility that benefits both of you and your child. In amicable divorces, this is relatively easy. In other divorces, it’s wise to have Burr Ridge child custody lawyers help you negotiate a parenting plan. If you can reach an agreement, the court won’t need to get involved in these matters.
If a couple can’t agree, the family court judge will need to determine how parenting time and parental responsibility will be divided. Under Illinois family laws, they will consider many factors but always choose what is in the child’s best interest. For instance, unless the parents will be living near each other, they won’t likely grant shared or equal parenting time as it would be difficult for the child.
At Arami Law, Inc., we know that divorce is often one of the most challenging times in someone’s life. When custody issues are involved, it compounds the challenges. While our Burr Ridge child custody attorneys can’t guarantee that parenting time and parental responsibilities will be determined exactly as you would like, they will fight for your legal rights to give you the best possible outcome. Often, they are able to help you come up with alternative solutions that your child’s other parent can agree with. Contact us today to learn more about our family law services.
We are here to help you succeed and protect what you value most.